domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014


En el mercado podemos encontrar muchos transmisores de FM (banda comercial) de baja potencia para retransmitir audio y música desde dispositivos tales como reproductores MP3, ipad, iphone, Computadora, etc...
En concreto les voy a comentar los problemas y soluciones que presenta el transmisor de la foto, sin marca.

Este dispositivo viene con 4 canales prefijados que transmiten en las frecuencias 106.7, 107.1, 107.5 y 107.9. La potencia de salida es desconocida pero alimentando el aparato con 12voltios se consigue la máxima. También se puede alimentar con 2 pilas AAA pero su potencia disminuye.

Uno de los problemas que presenta este aparato, dado que viene con solo 4 canales (a diferencia de otros que vienen con display digital y selección de frecuencias en todo el rango FM Comercial (87.5/108MHz) ), es que alguno de esos canales esté ocupado por una emisora comercial o muy cerca de ese canal y nos produzca interferencias o directamente nos solape nuestro canal.

Sin embargo es posible modificarle los canales para ajustarlos a unas frecuencias libres de interferencias, vacías de cualquier señal perturbadora.

Es muy sencillo: Una vez desatornillados los dos pequeños tornillos (cuidado de no perderlos), que se encuentran en el habitáculo de las pilas, desarmamos la tapa del transmisor y nos encontraremos con una bobina de radiofrecuencia, con un tornillito en medio, y encapsulada en una forma de plástico verde. Esa es la bobina de sintonía.

Para reajustar las frecuencias debemos usar un destornillados pequeñito y fino, algo parecido a un destornillados, a ser posible de material plástico, o un cuchillo de punta muy fina. Girando para que el tornillito de la bobina suba, se consigue bajarle la frecuencia al transmisor hasta un mínimo de 97MHz aproximadamente, girando para que el tornillito baje, se consigue subir la frecuencia hasta unos 116MHz.
A partir de 108MHz, logicamente, nuestro transmisor deja de sintonizarse en una radio FM y necesitaríamos un scanner de frecuencias o un receptor que sintonice frecuencias de ese rango. Sacando el transmisor de rango de la FM conseguimos convertirlo en un "transmisor espia", cuya señal quedará fuera de escuchas indiscretas.

Espero haberles ayudado.

In market can find many FM transmitters (commercial band) low power to broadcast audio and music from devices such as MP3 players, ipad, iphone, computer, etc ...
In particular I will discuss the problems and solutions presented by the transmitter photo, unbranded.
This device comes with 4 preset channels that transmit on frequencies 106.7, 107.1, 107.5 and 107.9. The output power is unknown but feeding the device with 12 volt maximum is achieved. You can also feed 2 AAA batteries but their power decreases.
One of the problems with this device, since it comes with only 4 channels (unlike others that come with digital display and selection of frequencies around the FM Commercial (87.5 / 108MHz) range) is that some of these channels is occupied by a commercial station or very close to that channel and we directly cause interference or overlap us our channel.
However it is possible to adjust modificarle channels to free frequency interference, empty of any disturbing signal.
It's simple: Once unscrewed the two small (careful not to lose) screws, which are located in the passenger compartment of the batteries, disarm the transmitter cover and we find a radiofrequency coil with a small screw in the middle, and encapsulated in a form of green plastic. That's the tuning coil.
To reset the frequencies we use a tiny and fine unscrewed, something like a unscrewed, preferably plastic, or a knife very fine point. Turning to the small screw up coil is achieved to lower the transmitter frequency to a minimum of about 97MHz by turning the little screw down, is achieved frequency up to about 116MHz.
From 108MHz, logically, our transmitter ceases to tune into an FM radio and need a scanner frequency or a receiver tuned frequencies that range. Making the transmitter range of the FM we got into a "transmitter spy" whose signal will be out of eavesdropping.
I hope I have helped.
Rn market can find many FM transmitters (commercial band) low power to broadcast audio and music from devices such as MP3 players, ipad, iphone, computer, etc ...
In particular I will discuss the problems and solutions presented by the transmitter photo, unbranded.
This device comes with 5 preset channels that transmit on frequencies 106.7, 107.1, 107.5 and 107.9. The output power is unknown but feeding the device with 12 volt maximum is achieved. You can also feed 2 AAA batteries but their power decreases.
One of the problems with this device, since it comes with only 4 channels (unlike others that come with digital display and selection of frequencies around the FM Commercial (87.5 / 108MHz) range) is that some of these channels is occupied by a commercial station or very close to that channel and we directly cause interference or overlap us our channel.
However it is possible to adjust modificarle channels to free frequency interference, empty of any disturbing signal.
It's simple: Once unscrewed the two small (careful not to lose) screws, which are located in the passenger compartment of the batteries, disarm the transmitter cover and we find a radiofrequency coil with a small screw in the middle, and encapsulated in a form of green plastic. That's the tuning coil.
To reset the frequencies we use a tiny and fine unscrewed, something like a unscrewed, preferably plastic, or a knife very fine point. Turning to the small screw up coil is achieved to lower the transmitter frequency to a minimum of about 97MHz by turning the little screw down, is achieved frequency up to about 116MHz.
From 108MHz, logically, our transmitter ceases to tune into an FM radio and need a scanner frequency or a receiver tuned frequencies that range. Making the transmitter range of the FM we got into a "transmitter spy" whose signal will be out of eavesdropping.
I hope I have helped.

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